Busy Time...

  Hello Ya all! It's been a long time since my last time posting on this website. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience because I had to do a lot of thing - a lot of events out there!

  The first was Methodist 1 Competition (I participated in Maths) which was probably held at last days of January, and the second was OSK (Olimpiade Sains Kota/ Science Olympiad City Level)(I joined Mathematics too) probably at February 11, 2015 for Senior High School Student in Indonesia. Right after that, I helped my family washing, cleaning up, and arranging up things for Chinese New Year. Busy, isn't it?

  Luckily, I could have my break when Chinese New Year was being celebrated. But do you know what happened next? The rage went on again! I need to prepare for a lot of things. All the things are being held for a straight week. There'll be a lot of events in the middle of March, from 12-16, and Mid Term tests from 23 to 27!

  At March 12, I'll have the next step to OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional/ Science Olympiad National Level). That is, OSP (Olimpiade Sains Provinsi/ Science Olympiad Province Level). Students who succeed from OSK to take the wanted amount of points are the students who are taken to join OSP. Next event is going to be Honda Road Show, which my school act as the host. It's held at March 14, and it consists of art shows, workshops and bazaar. I'll be singing on the event and also take part of the competitions, that is, Contests of Wits. 2 days after that, I'll have FLS2N. Just like OSN, FLS2N almost do the same but if OSN is about academic, then FLS2N is about art. Also, in FLS2N, I'm taking part in solo singing, too. When it's about 23, it'll be somehow busy to. I'll have Mid Term Exams of usual subjects. To be honest, I'm bored of History and Civics, however. 

  In spite of those all events, I'm still trying to find the right time to post in here, so here is the result! Better to be late than never, isn't it?

  Well, I'll just write till here for today! How about you?

Also Visit http://anandakevin.wordpress.com :)


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